Saturday, 13 September 2008

After two years without a drop of water we finally have enough to fill an Olympic swimming pool.
(Give or take a gallon or two)

Tuesday, 9 September 2008


I've neglected my blog. Time to make amends. First, though:
Maxim Harold made a timely appearance on July 27th. He's a very noisy little chap, dislikes sleep and spends most of his time either eating or wailing. So not much sleep for this Mum and Dad. It's becoming increasing strange to have a such a small baby in the house when the other two children are really pretty huge now (Anezka 10,Malcolm 7).
My parents came for a not-so-whistle-stop tour right on cue three days before Maxim was born so I was like a cat on a hot tin roof for a week or so.