Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Advent Balls

Just returned from the first ball of the season. My dishy 16-year-old sister-in-law (Petra) goes to dancing school and it was the presentation evening (or however I'm supposed to translate it). Gorgeous white silk dresses and tail coats everywhere, tinned music though - shame.

The mayor's wife called earlier to ask if I wouldn't play British carols under the arches at the local church on the hill on Friday (charity event). What can you do? So it looks as though I'll be taking my fiddle out in yet more wet weather. People rarely realise that it's simply bad for fiddles to be out in the rain, and often get uppity when you start trying to edge your way out of damp outdoor playing. But for the greater good... The best part was when she asked me to sing at the same time. Can you imagine?

1 comment:

helen said...

No, but I'm jolly well going to try... !